Why Living in Rural Areas Can Be Better than the City

red bard in the field

There has been a long debate about living in rural versus urban areas. And we can’t blame people for choosing what they think is the best. Rural living and urban living have their own advantages. Sometimes, what we need to consider are the person’s lifestyle and preferences.

However, this article will focus on the benefits of living in the countryside. People may have different opinions about where to live due to economics and personal needs, but we can’t deny that rural living has a special appeal.

If you’re uncertain if rural living is what’s right for you, keep on reading. We will share how your life will drastically change by choosing rural life. By the end of this article, you will have a broader knowledge of what it’s like to live a simple life in the outside towns.

Benefits of Rural Living

Fresh air and big spaces

Living in the countryside will give you the chance to get in touch with nature. You will see more trees and breathe fresher air. Its big spaces also eliminate traffic that causes stress and affects your happiness.

It will also enable you to live a healthier lifestyle. Unlike in the city, you will be surrounded by forests, fields, and streams in rural places. Choosing rural life is a great opportunity for you to embrace outdoor living and a better lifestyle.


People who decide to switch to rural living often aim for peace. And we all know that attaining peace in the busy streets of the city can be pretty challenging. Usually, older adults prefer to stay in the countryside because they want to have a peaceful life and enjoy their retirement years.

Less Stress

Rural living offers a slower pace of life. Here, you will not be obligated to walk fast and join a race in crossing the street. You will also enjoy your time away from traffic jams and noisy environments. This kind of setup will allow you to cherish every moment of your life as everything goes slow.

No Pollution

clouds over a green field

Pollution is the leading reason why most people don’t enjoy city life. Rural living is especially recommended for people with asthma or sensitivity to allergens. And since countryside areas have less pollution, you don’t have to worry too much about dust, allergens, and dirt.

However, less pollution doesn’t mean you will no longer clean your home or hire services like carpet cleaning and home maintenance. We’re implying that you will have more time to have fun with your family as you don’t have to clean the house almost every day.

Excellent Place to Raise a Family

Urban and rural living have their advantages when it comes to raising a family. In general, the city offers more resources than the countryside. Yet, rural living is much advisable for families with kids as it allows them to roam freely. Moreover, living in the outside towns will your kids a unique childhood experience.

Making New Friends

It’s easier to make friends with people in rural areas because the places are usually small. What’s great about rural living is that neighbors know each other pretty well, making it easy to rely on each other when help is needed.

Eating Fresh Food

Another advantage you can enjoy in rural living is the opportunity to eat healthy and fresh food. In addition, locally sourced foods are way cheaper than those you buy in big supermarkets in the city.

Low Crime Rate

Countrysides typically have a small population. And a small population is equivalent to low crime rates. This is also another reason why raising a family in rural areas is so much better. Moving to a rural place will give you peace of mind as you know that your family is in a safe home.

Perfect Retirement Place

Living in rural places might be a great escape if you don’t want the city stress anymore. The elderly prefer to retire in quiet places like this because it offers serenity, which you can never find in urban locations.

Active Community

The big population of the city can make it hard for you to be an active member of the community. Meanwhile, rural living will allow you to have solid social bonds with other community members through church meetings and town hall gatherings.

As you may know, small-town and rural living may not be applicable for everyone. But many people find it a great alternative to the stressful and fast-paced living of the city life.

If you’re worried that you’d be left out once you move to a rural location, think again. Access to the Internet now makes it easier for people to opt for countryside living. You can still stay connected with loved ones and be updated with the latest events as long as you have Internet access in your home.

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