Conservatory Building 101: Defining the Type, Design & Purpose

conservatory room

Custom conservatories have been the go-to option for most homeowners. But, to have a well-built structure and getting the most out of it will require you to work with a licensed conservatory builder. You want a garden room that is comfortable for you and your family, and your pets and plants. So, industry experience is also a critical element here. Working with a conservatory builder that has several years of experience will guide your choice of design and the purpose for which you intend to use the conservatory.

How? Read on.

The type & design

Garden rooms can come in various types and designs. Typically, these will include gables, P- and L-shape types, orangeries, and lantern and tiled roof types. Gables have more of a steep roof than what most conservatories have, which gives them their unique height. The P-shape types are a blend of the Victorian, Edward style and Lean-to conservatories, thus creating the ‘P’ shape in its design. These are most suitable for adding space to properties with enough bare land. T-shaped types have a projection at their center which extends to most of its width. This design is highly suitable for large gardens with detached houses.

On the other hand, the design of Orangeries assumes half a conservatory with a brickwork extension. Many homeowners prefer orangeries to a complete conservatory for their compact design. Orangeries also have less area with glazed glass than that of conservatories. If you want a touch of luxury, glass lantern roofs in the lantern roof type conservatories are your best bet. These conservatories also have more room than conventional conservatories do. For the tiled roof types, unlike the lantern roof, its roof has tiles. These are more of an extension to your main house than are conservatories or orangeries.

Purpose of the structure

modern conservatory room

Why do you want to add a conservatory or orangery in your property? Are you looking for additional space in which to be spending your evenings or watch the stars at night? Will the space act as an extension to your house? Do you want to use it as your home office? Or, do you plan to grow your indoor plants in this structure? There is a myriad of reasons to float here. But, your conservatory builder should help you define the exact reasons around which they should design and build the conservatory. They even can create one that you can easily switch its purposes depending on what you want to use it for at the moment.

It is essential you note here that having pets or using conservatories as a garden will require different design and specifications. That will call for early decisions on defining the right structure to use. In that, focus on meeting the needs of the pets or plants, respectively and satisfactorily.

Your conservatory builder should know that every garden room should meet the design needs of the client. There is no debate about that. However, it is crucial that you also follow your local building codes. Conservatories are also construction structures. Poor design and inappropriate building can compromise their structural integrity.

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