What You Can Do to Give Your Home a Much-Needed Facelift


New homeowners who took advantage of lower interest rates last year should consider giving their homes a face-lift to give them a cozy atmosphere. A face-lift also adds value to the property if they want to put it up for sale in the future.

Some of these enhancements only require cosmetic changes, while others need you to hire a professional to work on them. But they give your house a homey ambiance, which is ideal if you are still working from home. Here are the things you should consider when you plan to give your home a makeover:

Enhance the Backyard

Enhancing the garden does not only increase the value of your home but also keeps it safe. One way to keep it safe is by trimming overgrown trees in the backyard. This reduces potential accidents when a storm comes. A weak branch can break off in the middle of the storm and damage the house’s windows. So, you should make sure to cut them off before they can damage the house.

You should also consider starting a garden in the backyard. At the height of the pandemic, people started gardens to give them a fresh supply of vegetables whenever they needed it. Working in a garden is also beneficial for your health. It increases your exposure to vitamin D, boosts your mood, and allows you to exercise.

Another option is creating a small oasis in the backyard. While it is costly, it gives you a place to unwind at the end of the day. Installing a water feature gives you a place to relax after working the whole day. You should also consider setting up a fire pit when you can spend cool nights watching the stars in the sky.

Install Solar Panels

solar panel

The recent UN Climate Change Conference in Glasgow, Scotland, highlighted the importance of using renewable energy sources to protect the environment. The conference called for an end to using nonrenewable energy sources to deal with the effects of climate change. While major economies aim to phase out coal use in the 2030s and 2040s, you can do your part by switching to solar power for your energy needs.

Installing solar panels in the house is a major investment that increases home value. It also allows you to reduce your utility bill. Using solar energy also reduces your carbon footprint. It will enable you to earn tax rebates and incentives from the state and federal governments. But you have to make sure to work with an experienced installer to ensure the proper installation of the solar panels.

Update the Lighting

Updating the lighting in the house also offers a lot of benefits for you as a homeowner. Aside from enhancing the overall look of the house, it also lowers energy costs. Standard incandescent bulbs are not energy efficient, which means you spend more on your electricity bills if you use them. So you should replace them with light-emitting diodes (LEDs).

LEDs use around 75 percent less electricity compared to incandescent bulbs. They also last approximately 25 times longer compared to standard incandescent light bulbs. These lighting fixtures are flexible, and you can use them anywhere in the house. LEDs are useful in the garage, porch, hallways, kitchen, and other places in the home. LEDs are also safer to use as holiday lights since they are cooler than incandescent bulbs.

If you plan to install these lights at home, you should consider hiring a professional to do it for you. But if you have the knowledge and experience, you can do it yourself. Getting in touch with a manlift rental company is a good idea if you do not have a ladder tall enough for you to reach the ceiling. This is particularly true if the house has a high ceiling. The equipment allows you to reach the ceiling safely and without worrying about falling.

Modernize the Kitchen

If the home you bought has a retro kitchen, you should consider updating it and installing modern appliances. Aside from enhancing the kitchen’s overall look, modern appliances also allow you to save on energy costs due to their energy-efficient design.

Modern appliances also have safety features that protect your home from accidents that happen in the kitchen. Some appliances have auto-shutoff features to protect your home from accidents in the kitchen. The timer on these appliances also reduces instances of burning food while you’re cooking them. These kitchen appliances are ideal for seniors who live alone since they tend to be forgetful.

Giving a house a makeover is an excellent way to increase its value while giving it a homey atmosphere. These are just simple projects, but they can make your home truly a place worth living in.

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