Choosing the Best Flooring for Your Kitchen

modern clean kitchen

Choosing the right flooring for your home might not be as easy as it seems. It depends on the type of room where you are planning to install the flooring. For example, tiles are commonly used as a bathroom or kitchen flooring. On the other hand, wood flooring is more preferred in the hallway or your bedroom.

When it comes to flooring, it is essential to buy only from reputable floor shops near you. There are also some home improvement franchises where you can check out a wide assortment of flooring that will suit your needs.

Choosing kitchen flooring

The kitchen is perhaps one of the busiest parts of your house. No wonder the kitchen floors can be subjected to a lot of foot traffic and stains over the years. If you want to keep your kitchen floors look great despite years of use and abuse, you should keep clean.

Choosing the right flooring for your kitchen is just as important. Here are some floor materials that are suitable for kitchen use:

1. Hardwood

This flooring is made either from natural or engineered wood and makes a kitchen look warm and welcoming. It can also feel comfortable to step on when barefoot. Aside from its aesthetic appeal, hardwood flooring is also known for its durability and ease of maintenance. It is also moisture-resistant, although it is better to wipe off the floor stains the moment it occurs.

2. Cork

This type of flooring is known to be lightweight, comfortable to step on, waterproof, and durable. It also lessens the risk of slips due to its rough texture. Cork flooring is also a sustainable and eco-friendly material but should be resealed every four years to prevent stains and scratches.

3. Linoleum

Like cork, linoleum is also known for its eco-friendliness and sustainability. It comes in different colors and patterns that can suit your flooring needs. It is also made to withstand heavy foot traffic. You should buy one that has a coating to protect the floor from spills and scratches.

Other things to consider

ceramic tiles being cemented down

As mentioned, choosing the right flooring may not be as easy as it seems. Aside from the budget, there are other factors you need to think about when buying flooring for your home. Some of these factors include the floor material, durability, and porosity. You also need to choose the right flooring, depending on where you intend to install it.

If you need flooring for your bathroom and other high-moisture areas, you should consider the following:

  • Vinyl tiles
  • Porcelain or ceramic tiles
  • Concrete slabs

If you have pets and children at home, you will need floors that can withstand high foot traffic levels. The flooring should also be ideally resistant to wear and tear and can last for many years with proper care and maintenance. You can choose the following floor types:

  • Porcelain or ceramic tiles
  • Laminate
  • Vinyl tiles
  • Carpeted flooring (preferably synthetic)

These are some pointers that can help you choose the right flooring for your home. It depends on where you will install it. Aside from budget, you need to consider the flooring’s durability, material, and resistance to scratches and stains.

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