Seasonal Beauty: The Right Touches for Your Garden Every Season

Woman doing backyard gardening

Maintaining a garden is good for your physical and mental health. Not only does it relieve your stress, planting vegetables and other greens give you fresh produce that you can enjoy anytime. Looking at plants, in general, improves concentration and offers other psychological benefits.

It’s no brainer that if you have a garden, you’d want to keep it healthy by adjusting it to the season. If you don’t have a green thumb, professional commercial landscaping companies in Lynchburg and other cities will offer you great rates for their services.

Find out what colors and plants can make your garden look great every season.


Tulips are planted a few seasons in advance—fall, to be specific—to get the glorious blooms in spring. Other spring blossoms that would look great in your garden are flowers of bleeding hearts or dicentras, perennial violet columbines, pink azalea shrubs, and fragrant lilacs.

Spring brings a number of vegetables to the table. Broccoli and onions take a long time to mature, whereas peas and chards are quick to grow with multiple harvest opportunities. Adventurous gardeners may go for mizuna or tatsoi, and those looking to stock up on basics may settle in for the long haul with onions.


Gardener taking care of the flowersPlanting roses, sweet peas, and sunflowers is a great way to signal the arrival of summer with your flower bedding. Other shrubs that provide summer colors include the showy red smoke bush, gently feathered false spirea, and the belle-like indigofera. Oakleaf hydrangeas can be retained for fiery red blooms in the fall, along with swamp azalea, which is a multi-colored, multi-season plant.

For vegetables, corn, tomato, and cucumbers are refreshing produce you can toss in any summer salad, along with seeds from your sunflowers.


Fall plants offer a brilliant tapestry of colors. Tiger Eyes sumac turn chartreuse during spring and summer and sprout red berries that carry on to winter in the fall. More berries in brilliant purple, blue, and pink, sprout from smooth witherod. For trees, you can’t go wrong with maple trees, gingko, and native sassafras for natural red and gold leaf coloration.

Vegetable favorites such as carrots and green onions are in season during the fall months. Speedy growers such as arugula, spinach, and radishes are good to go in just a month. Spinach and kale grow in fall and can survive winter as long as they’re covered up properly.


While it’s true that plants have a difficult time thriving outside during winter, that doesn’t mean your flower beddings need to be bereft of blooms during the cold months. Pansies are flowers that bloom in winter and last into spring. Favorites such as violas, primroses, and forget-me-nots erupt in beautiful colors during winter, along with hardy cyclamen coum and the perennial daisies known as bellis.

There’s nothing wrong with keeping up with your neighbors as you do with the season. When it gets too stressful though, remember that you’re gardening for health and your mood. Better yet, join gardening associations or get your friends and family involved for the added bonus of community.

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