What Constitutes a Livable Outdoor Space?

comfortable chairs in the patio beside the garden

Since the pandemic started, the demand for outdoor living spaces has been continuously growing. Because most people have been locked inside their homes, they have been more aware of the importance of outdoor space. Moreover, since most people have been restricted to travel, they have put their money into improving their homes.

Livable outdoor space

Simply having a lawn or backyard does not mean having a livable outdoor space. A livable outdoor space is a space where the outdoor living happens. Outdoor living means having a lifestyle that extends to a home’s outdoor space, including the yard and garden.

An outdoor living space isn’t just made to grow plants or to add aesthetic appeal to a house’s exterior. This space can be an area in the home where the entire family can gather, cook, and chat, or perform any activity that makes living more worthy.

In addition, summer must not be the only time to use the outdoor space. To enjoy it all year round, a homeowner can install a hardtop porch roof for sun, rain, and snow protection, as well as a fire pit, to add heat during colder months. Moreover, an outdoor space can be enjoyed day or night with the addition of ample lighting.

Homeowners can be as creative as they can in an outdoor living space. Here are some ideas to have a livable outdoor space:


Bloomberg reports that America has been experiencing a patio boom since 2015. In 2014, around 96,000 houses sold in the market included patios. Most of the homeowners during this year actually prefer patios over porches.

A patio is a word used to describe a space located in your home’s courtyard. Built next to the house, it is located on the ground floor. Usually, materials used to construct a patio are gravel and concrete. It gives homeowners the freedom to move as it is usually exposed under the sun and does not have walls surrounding it.

Meanwhile, a porch is a space connected to the home that is usually located at the entrance. Either in the ground or slightly raised from it, a porch surrounds the entrance or main door of a house. Because it is directly connected to a home, a porch is usually covered.

Dining and seating area in patios

To make a patio truly livable, a homeowner can add dining and seating areas where friends and family can gather and have fun together. A simple dining table will do, and the size depends on the space available as well as how many people you plan together in the space.

For furniture selection, seats made from rattan are an excellent choice. It is best to choose the synthetic over the natural version of rattan so it withstands weather changes. Rattan chairs are great because of their comfortability and durability.

To complete the mood of the space, adding lighting is essential especially if you want to use it for dinner. Adding plants can also provide more life in the space.

Outdoor Kitchen

outdoor kitchen with grilling and dinning area

If you plan to use your space for cooking and dining, having an outdoor kitchen is a great idea. One can add a barbecue grill or a rustic pizza oven to aid in outdoor cooking. Some who have a bigger budget even put in start-of-the-art appliances in their outdoor kitchen.

How big you want to create your outdoor kitchen depends on how much cooking you want to do, as well as how professional you are in the kitchen. If you are a cooking enthusiast or chef, go all the way. An outdoor kitchen can be an excellent party space where people can gather while grilling meat or waiting for the pizza to cook.

Importance of outdoor space

Real estate agents can help in finding the right property with ample outdoor living space for the family. Having a livable outdoor space is important because of the following reasons:

Expanding space

It’s common sense: if you want more space, why not use the available space outside? Without walls, an outdoor space is a flexible space. This means that you can choose whatever you want to do with the space, unlike the limited functionality indoor spaces provide.

At the same time, with more livable spaces, the value of a home can be increased. The more aesthetically-pleasing and functional an outdoor space is, the more value it adds to the home. If you want to sell a home, buyers will find a home with a great outdoor space more appealing.

It’s good for you.

Above all, an outdoor space helps in improving one’s wellness. The pandemic proved this so. In search of freedom to be outdoors, feel the sun, inhale the fresh air, people realized that outdoor space within the home is essential.

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