Fade Resistance: Methods of Boosting It on Your Fence

Steel fence

Your curb appeal will determine the impression that people have of your home. To this end, it is now essential to pick the elements in your exteriors carefully. Fences in the past were primarily functional elements that marked property boundaries, kept out intruders, and enhanced the privacy of your outdoors. Nowadays, however, they are also essential features of your curb appeal.

To guarantee the best look, most people are now opting for metal fence posts and finishes in the same colors as other features of their exteriors. This makes the fence seem like a part of your curb rather than as a purely functional afterthought. Color for your fence generally means picking the right paint. Though you can opt to paint it after its installation, this leaves you with spots that will not be sufficiently coated with the color.

Your best choice is to buy already painted fencing components. Other than a perfect look, these have an optimal fade-resistance. The following are some of the techniques manufacturers use to boost your fence’s fade resistance.

Picking the Right Color

Your fence will be in direct sunlight. Some of its colors will absorb more UV rays than others because of a process known as photo-degradation. This is the chemical breakdown of paint when exposed to UV rays. With this in mind, manufacturers will often use light colors for the fence. These will reflect rather than absorb UV rays.

Even so, the ideal shade for your property’s fence depends on the amount of sunlight you receive. If, for instance, your fence is away from direct sunlight, you can opt for dark colors. Alternatively, you can alternate dark and light colors to generate some interest in it.

Using Fade-Resistant Paint

There are several paint brands marketed as fade-resistant in stores nowadays. The fade-resistant paint used in fences by manufacturers contains adequate binder amounts and high-quality pigments. The binder will keep the other pigments in your color together and adhered to the surface of your fence’s material. These properties both boost the paint’s fade resistance and durability.

Picking Paint that Matches Your Fence’s Material

There are now paints that match different materials. There are paints used for stucco, concrete, metal, and wood to match the qualities of these materials. Using the wrong one on your fence’s material only accelerates its fading. Metal fences, for example, are painted using electrostatic spray paint while oil-based and latex paints suffice for wooden fences.

Paying Attention to Surface Preparation

Metal fence with brick columns

The preparation of your fence’s components before its painting also determines its fade resistance. This is because it prevents the bubbling and cracking of paint that leaves some points on the surface unprotected. These expose sections that, in the future, become the primary points that UV rays will penetrate through to compromise your paint.

With the steps discussed above, your fence’s color can withstand exposure to UV rays. That means you can enjoy a fence that matches your curb and looks good for a long time. Thankfully, the painted one is not prohibitively expensive.

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